Inspired Entrepreneurship

Posted By : Tina Heathers on July 25, 2013

As a small business coach that has assisted many start-up companies to grow and prosper, I have discovered the key to business success is inspiration. I have reviewed many excellent business plans and in turn watched these businesses go under. I have read skimpy and questionable business plans and watched them turn into thriving businesses. In the end it is all about the entrepreneur who is driving the business growth.


A business is an extension of the entrepreneur or business leaders who are running it. Their level of skill and inspiration extend into the business. They make or break the business. If the business leader can tap into their own infinite personal potential, they will be inspired with new ideas to create a business that is profitable and serves the needs of many consumers.


Inspiration is different from enthusiasm. I have met many enthusiastic entrepreneurs that assure me with great excitement that they will have an amazing business and that many customers already want their products and services. Unfortunately when the going gets tough and money is tight they lose their enthusiasm and cannot drive the business through tough waters. An inspired entrepreneur or business leader can sit quietly, evaluate the variables and find the inspiration to make the changes necessary to navigate the difficult situations. They adapt, revision, and play to the marketplace.


Here is the difference, enthusiasm is a mood of hope and excitement, inspiration is a core level desire to succeed. Inspired entrepreneurship comes from well-earned achievement, learning and belief in yourself. Inspired entrepreneurs know how to tap into a deep well of inspiration when changes need to take place. So if you want to be an inspired entrepreneur that knows how to take your business into the realm of infinite potential, become a person who knows how to tap their own infinite personal potential and you will be surprised at the abundance that shows up in your business and in your life.

  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  • I have had the opportunity of experiencing Tina's guided meditations in both large conference settings and in small groups in her home.  Over a course of time I have learnt to relax and focus in a meditative state using her tapes and CD's.

    Bonnie Black, Dundalk Ontario
  • “Tina has a vast knowledge of Universal Wisdom and is able to share it in ways that are non-threatening yet engaging, gentle yet firm, 'out-there' yet grounded.  One of the greatest paths to Universal Wisdom is the path of meditation.  Charting this path creatively, Tina has the ability to lead me into the fields of my imagination where lavish gifts are bestowed upon my soul. " 

    Susan Mcleod, Guelph ON
  • Thank you for your amazing insight.  You have a wonderful energy!Jill, Brantford, Ontario
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking