Master the Mind

Posted By : Tina Heathers on November 19, 2016

master-the-mind-copyMaster the Mind

We are what we think.  Science and spirituality are now agreeing on this one power idea that will change the way we live and play the game of life.  Our thoughts condition our reality and affect the outcomes in our lives.  If you are beginning to see the truth in these statements, wouldn’t you want to try and see if they can be true for you?


Meditation is a fantastic way to begin to understand the mind and the role the mind plays in our life.  Meditation helps us to not only understand the mind, but to begin to master the mind and harness its creative power.


Mastering the mind has a lot to do with watching to see what it is doing.  Mastering the mind is also about realizing there are many layers to what we consider the mind.  The everyday thinking mind is such a minor piece of who we are. Deeper and deeper layers of the mind exist to influence us and direct our lives.  Don’t settle for surface mind games, learn to plunge deeper into the mind and clean out the crap you don’t want and leave space for some deeper aspect of yourself to emerge.


If you haven’t begun to explore meditation, I would highly encourage you to start.  If you have already been meditating, I would recommend you don’t get too passive with your meditation style, but look deeper, try new methods, there may be insight and awakening still to be explored.



“Mind is the Master-power that moulds and makes,

And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes

The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,

Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: –

He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: 

Environment is but his looking-glass.”

James Allen


Interested in Meditation Coaching?  We can help.

  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking
  • “I have attended guided meditations, workshops and private sessions with Tina.  I have used Tina’s meditations (both in class and on her cd’s) to relax and also to search for answers I have from within.  She is an extremely intuitive teacher and guide.  Tina’s insights have challenged me to examine myself and my relationships with others.  Working with Tina has enabled me to broaden my view of my place in the universe and approach each day with a more positive attitude.”

    Liz Fryer, Waterloo ON
  • I have had the opportunity of experiencing Tina's guided meditations in both large conference settings and in small groups in her home.  Over a course of time I have learnt to relax and focus in a meditative state using her tapes and CD's.

    Bonnie Black, Dundalk Ontario