The Infinite Potential of Love
Posted By : Tina Heathers on January 2, 2019
Too often we view love as weak, and with serious potential to hurt us. But we forget how often our love for someone pushes us beyond our boundaries and we stand up and do things we had not thought possible.
Conditioned Views of Love
I find that if we look deeply at our conditioned views of love and what we were taught about love, we will discover some really negative concepts. Just list all the things you associate with love and see how many of those are based in fear and insecurity. Perhaps it’s time for a shift in perception?
Take a New Look at Love
I want to suggest that we have a new look at love. Try to see it as a natural, and infinite power that radiates throughout the whole universe. What if the Power of Love is the same thing as the universal force of creation. I have heard it said that God is Love, not that God is loving, but God IS Love. If that is true, how could Love be anything but unlimited, infinite power and strength?
A Unified Field of Love?
It seems to me that there is this Unified Field of Love everywhere and all around us. It is in us and flows through us. So…if that is true, why don’t we feel it more? Could we deliberately tap into it and experience and work directly with this Unified Field of Love? Is there an Infinite Potential of Love that I could be accessing to transform my life?
I think there is. I have only begun the process of opening to it and experimenting with direct access but I have discovered some amazing things. I find it through meditation and quiet seeking. How about you? Have you set the direct intention to access or to simply explore the possibility of the infinite power of love?
It’s a fabulous journey, I hope to share it with you. Tell me what you have discovered, let’s walk the path together and see what we find.