A Course in Miracles

Posted By : Tina Heathers on June 21, 2013

The Course in Miracles can look daunting at first.  It is filled with Christian language and elaborate heavy text.    But it is only our mind that gets ruffled by the terminology not our spirit. If you continue to read and push through the language of the course and your own personal resistance, you will discover an amazing result. You are subconsciously unwinding your conditioning.  Before you know it things are changing for you, and in you.


It almost seems miraculous.  Just reading it is like a call to our inner awareness.  Your inner truth is interested even when the conscious and subconscious mind fight it.

It is like a medicine that you take in and it just starts working behind the scene.  I can not adequately explain the wonderful life changing effect this book can have – even if your mind fights it – keep going.


It is written in seeming old English and often the sentences don’t seem to make sense.  But the truth is the logic brain can’t get a hold on the information, but our inner knowing can.

Keep on reading once you get started; you will awaken something deep within you that will transform your life, quietly and consistently.  Just keep going, don’t listen to your logic brain and ego based thoughts they are meant to keep you lost.

Try it out, you may just fall in love with the book.


  • “I have attended guided meditations, workshops and private sessions with Tina.  I have used Tina’s meditations (both in class and on her cd’s) to relax and also to search for answers I have from within.  She is an extremely intuitive teacher and guide.  Tina’s insights have challenged me to examine myself and my relationships with others.  Working with Tina has enabled me to broaden my view of my place in the universe and approach each day with a more positive attitude.”

    Liz Fryer, Waterloo ON
  • "Tina's style of guided meditation is unpretentious and accessible to anyone.  I've been much more capable of slowing down and living in the moment since joining Tina's classes."

     Tricia B., Elmira Ontario
  •  “Meditation with Tina is always an enlightening & rejuvenating experience.  Her calm presence & gentle approach to meditation offers relaxation and insight.  Guided by her wisdom & knowledge beginning mediators will feel immediately confident & successful; experienced mediators gain access to deeper levels of knowing. "

    Trish Scott, Guelph, ON, Canada
  • Taking a course from Tina Heathers is an experience and education in itself. Her style is unique and entertaining, but more then that, she delivers!Alison Lobb, Clinton, Ontario
  • Thank you for your amazing insight.  You have a wonderful energy!Jill, Brantford, Ontario