Quiet Your Mind and all is Well

Posted By : Tina Heathers on February 7, 2015

Mail chimp banner MirandaI find that I can so easily get all wrapped up in my thoughts and how I want things to play out.  As each part of the day unfolds I am busily working away at something, heading in some direction. Pretty soon I have this feeling that there is so much to do and I just have to get going or I won’t get everything done.  Then a restlessness sets in and I am hurried and bothered, especially if unexpected events or people show up, or my tasks don’t go quickly and smoothly so I can reach that plateau of – finished!


But this is all a mind game.  I have been caught here before.  I have learned that if I just stop, slide into the empty mind that meditation has shown me exists, I will be free of these feelings.  When my mind is free of gathering important things to be done, I instantly relax and feel my peace return.  Once I am settled back into my happy contented place I instantly see that half the things I felt I had to do were of no consequence, and just busy work created by an overachieving mind.  I can sense the few things that I would like to do and let all the others go.  I can gently do these activities with joy and a lightness of heart.  There is no push, no need to reach that place called – finished!  The doing of the choice activities bring their own joy.  I am happy.


“When you become quiet, you let yourself relax into the moment, into your true nature.”  Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing


Meditation has taught me so much.  I have learned the beautiful expansive experience of an open and free mind.  I can now see when the mind is dogging me, pushing me into useless activities.  I catch myself reflecting back, judging the day, and I know the mind thrives on criticism and creating self doubt.  But I can stop it now, I can change directions and slide gently into a space of peace and love.  No longer am I a victim to a hungry mind starving for drama and intrigue.  I know how to feed it gentleness, acceptance and love.  I watch as it drinks in the powerful emotions that it has been longing for, and I feel it override the chaotic need for drama once it is filled with the soul soothing serenity that it truly desired.   Then all seems right in the world.


If you are plagued with an unsatisfied, demanding, chaos creating mind, I would suggest learning to meditate, to free your mind of its shadowed condition, and allow it the experience of sunshine and joy, that it may return to it’s naturally creative and abundant state where it works to serve your highest good.


Meditation, to quiet your mind,  is the purest form of transforming a life that I have ever encountered.


Want to learn more about meditation?

  • Taking a course from Tina Heathers is an experience and education in itself. Her style is unique and entertaining, but more then that, she delivers!Alison Lobb, Clinton, Ontario
  • “I have attended guided meditations, workshops and private sessions with Tina.  I have used Tina’s meditations (both in class and on her cd’s) to relax and also to search for answers I have from within.  She is an extremely intuitive teacher and guide.  Tina’s insights have challenged me to examine myself and my relationships with others.  Working with Tina has enabled me to broaden my view of my place in the universe and approach each day with a more positive attitude.”

    Liz Fryer, Waterloo ON
  • Thank you for your amazing insight.  You have a wonderful energy!Jill, Brantford, Ontario
  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking