A Course in Miracles Coaching

Posted By : Tina Heathers on October 25, 2016

meditatingacm“Meditation and A Course in Miracles”  

Join our Advanced Coaching Webinar

Next class is December 21st 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm–

“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time?”  ACIM Chapter 15


To participate in this online mastermind coaching session, you will need to be committed to reading and working with A Course in Miracles every day.

Each student will be working on their own path through the book.


Every month we will have a coaching call where students will share:

  • How they are doing with their quest to live in Perfect Love
  • How their  ACIM meditation practice is coming along
  • What quotes from the book they found most helpful this month


We use meditation to seek experiences of perfect love.

“Reality can dawn only on an unclouded mind.  ACIM

Email Tina to join the Mastermind Session.

  • Thank you for your amazing insight.  You have a wonderful energy!Jill, Brantford, Ontario
  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking
  • "Tina's style of guided meditation is unpretentious and accessible to anyone.  I've been much more capable of slowing down and living in the moment since joining Tina's classes."

     Tricia B., Elmira Ontario