Self Discovery Cards

self discovery deck coverSelf-Discovery Cards – With reflections from A Course in Miracles

Art and Commentaries created by Tina Heathers


The deck has 45 cards with artwork by Tina Heathers.   Each card has a commentary to explain the message and how to apply it to your life.  These cards are great to help you with healing and spiritual development.

45 card deck with commentary booklet: $35.00


This deck was designed to assist with discovering the infinite potential that lies within all of us.

I have been a student of spirituality and healing my whole life.  I was constantly disturbed by the condition of the world and the amount of pain and suffering that seems to be everywhere.  In my desperate attempt to make sense of the world and try to make things better I became an intense seeker of God, spirituality, and healing.  I had this painful need to stop all the suffering I saw in the world.  All the answers and systems of thought and belief that I discovered were helpful but always left some things unanswered. And then I found a Course in Miracles.


Now I will admit it took me a few years to really understand what it was saying and how it really did answer all that I was seeking.  But as I continued to work with the concepts I began to shift my awareness and I could feel a whole new level of acceptance and understanding begin to dawn on my mind.


I love A Course in Miracles and I wish it was easier to understand so that more people could embrace it, but I think this deck reflects all the major insights from the course in an easy to understand and fun way.

Over the years I have tried to find different ways to express and work through my spiritual understanding.  I have worked as a healer, a well-being coach, a spiritual artist, a minister, and for a while I worked as a psychic.  This deck is the accumulation of my spiritual art, my love of oracle decks, and my passion for A Course in Miracles.  I developed the deck first and foremost to enhance my own understanding of how the course could be used in a practical way to assist me in my daily learning.


I have worked with this deck myself and also with my clients.  I have had many requests to publish the deck so others could use it as well.  So, here it is the product of my life long spiritual search and my need for artistic expression.


I hope this deck and the insights within will assist you on the road to discovering your infinite potential and living a life full of love, joy, peace and abundance.


About the Artwork

Through the years I have felt the need to express my spiritual experiences, and share my discoveries but I found words shallow and ineffective.  So I began to paint.  My deep love of meditation and the spiritual awareness that it opened for me were the initial inspiration for my art.  I would often discover an angel while meditating and want to share her essence on paper for all to see, or sometimes I would just feel the creative spiritual push and sit with my art supplies and see what angel or spiritual image would emerge.


Each image had a special message and I enjoyed working with them all.  As you sit with the artwork I am sure it will have a unique message for you as well.

  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking
  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  • “I have attended guided meditations, workshops and private sessions with Tina.  I have used Tina’s meditations (both in class and on her cd’s) to relax and also to search for answers I have from within.  She is an extremely intuitive teacher and guide.  Tina’s insights have challenged me to examine myself and my relationships with others.  Working with Tina has enabled me to broaden my view of my place in the universe and approach each day with a more positive attitude.”

    Liz Fryer, Waterloo ON
  • Thank you for your amazing insight.  You have a wonderful energy!Jill, Brantford, Ontario