Reiki Natural Healing

Reiki is considerePicture of Reiki handsd a Japanese method of natural healing.  It has a rich history that starts in the early 1900’s with the dedication of a man named Mikao Usui and his interest in miracles and healing.  After years of searching and finally, personally experiencing the Universal Life Energy, which he called Reiki, he developed a system to work with this energy that became known as the Usui System of Natural Healing.

Today we have many Reiki Masters, trained in the Usui System of Natural Healing, and although teachers and masters may have slightly altered the methods of healing and teaching throughout the years, I believe they all hold true to the experience of connecting with Universal Life Energy.  Methods and styles may differ slightly, but the connection and enlightenment Mikao Usui discovered in his mountain top experience remain with us today.

Self Directed Reiki sessions  assist with clearing and releasing any trapped mental and emotional energy that is stored in your body.  The practitioner works as an amplifier for the Universal Life Energy to assist you in the self healing process.

Book a session and come experience Self Directed Reiki for yourself.

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  • I have had the opportunity of experiencing Tina's guided meditations in both large conference settings and in small groups in her home.  Over a course of time I have learnt to relax and focus in a meditative state using her tapes and CD's.

    Bonnie Black, Dundalk Ontario
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking
  • “I have attended guided meditations, workshops and private sessions with Tina.  I have used Tina’s meditations (both in class and on her cd’s) to relax and also to search for answers I have from within.  She is an extremely intuitive teacher and guide.  Tina’s insights have challenged me to examine myself and my relationships with others.  Working with Tina has enabled me to broaden my view of my place in the universe and approach each day with a more positive attitude.”

    Liz Fryer, Waterloo ON
  • Taking a course from Tina Heathers is an experience and education in itself. Her style is unique and entertaining, but more then that, she delivers!Alison Lobb, Clinton, Ontario
  • “Tina has a vast knowledge of Universal Wisdom and is able to share it in ways that are non-threatening yet engaging, gentle yet firm, 'out-there' yet grounded.  One of the greatest paths to Universal Wisdom is the path of meditation.  Charting this path creatively, Tina has the ability to lead me into the fields of my imagination where lavish gifts are bestowed upon my soul. " 

    Susan Mcleod, Guelph ON