Freeing Your Chakras Guided meditation CD


NOW available through Etsy  click here

Email Tina to order CDs or buy from Natures Echoes or Thrive, Mind body and Soul

Digital Download through iTunes…click here

This CD is designed to be very therapeutic and it will allow you to release built up stress from your system.  You will notice a difference in your state of mind immediately.

Track 1 has a guided meditation that works to clear out your chakras.  The chakras hold old emotional experiences that could be affecting our daily interactions with people.  As you release the trapped energy in the chakras you will feel lighter, happier and healthier.

Track 2 is a wonderful journey of self discovery.  You get to go on a boat trip all by yourself and do anything you want.  No one can influence you or tell you what to do.  It is in these moments of complete freedom that we discover what we really like and enjoy.  It is in these moments that we can see what we would like to do with our lives.

Use the CD regularly to keep your energy system free and clear and to continue the discovery of your personal path.

“Using what I learned from meditation I live a much different life today and if I feel I am stressing or swaying from my current path, I simply meditate (using Tina’s guided meditation CD’s) to quickly get back on the path of inner peace.”  P.Dietrich, Conestogo, Ontario

  •  “Meditation with Tina is always an enlightening & rejuvenating experience.  Her calm presence & gentle approach to meditation offers relaxation and insight.  Guided by her wisdom & knowledge beginning mediators will feel immediately confident & successful; experienced mediators gain access to deeper levels of knowing. "

    Trish Scott, Guelph, ON, Canada
  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • Taking a course from Tina Heathers is an experience and education in itself. Her style is unique and entertaining, but more then that, she delivers!Alison Lobb, Clinton, Ontario
  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  • "Tina's style of guided meditation is unpretentious and accessible to anyone.  I've been much more capable of slowing down and living in the moment since joining Tina's classes."

     Tricia B., Elmira Ontario