Open Your Heart and Love Freely

Posted By : Tina Heathers on February 10, 2013

Open Your heartDo you love freely?  Can you express love with abandon?  Can you feel the deep and true experience of love?

Open your heart and allow love to flow.  Love is there within each one of us. Don’t worry about finding love, it is within you and when you learn to feel it and practice expressing it with others, you will know what I mean.   No matter how challenging life can get, there is an endless pool of love gathering within you, waiting to be expressed.  The only reason you can’t feel it is that you have closed your heart.  To often we believe that we must find someone to love us in order to experience love, but that is not true, in fact the opposite is true, you must first find love within you and share it before you can feel it from others. You believe others don’t love you or have with held love from you, or rejected your love.  None of that matters, love is within you and has nothing to do with your interactions with others, if you can not feel your own love, you will not be able to find it within others.  Take responsibility for the amount of  love in your life, open your heart again and allow yourself to experience it.  Then you will be able to go amongst others and share it, receive it and multiply it!  Learn again to love freely and it will heal and transform your life.  You can begin to experience more love today.  Just start looking at the world in a loving manner and find opportunities to see with the eyes of love.  You are the key to love, don’t look to others to give you what you refuse to give yourself.

“It is a natural ability in the human to transcend even the most restricting or

demoralizing conditioning or programming at any

instant and enter into our natural condition of Joy, Love, and Prosperity.”

Ann Wigmore

  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee
  •  “Meditation with Tina is always an enlightening & rejuvenating experience.  Her calm presence & gentle approach to meditation offers relaxation and insight.  Guided by her wisdom & knowledge beginning mediators will feel immediately confident & successful; experienced mediators gain access to deeper levels of knowing. "

    Trish Scott, Guelph, ON, Canada
  • “Tina has a vast knowledge of Universal Wisdom and is able to share it in ways that are non-threatening yet engaging, gentle yet firm, 'out-there' yet grounded.  One of the greatest paths to Universal Wisdom is the path of meditation.  Charting this path creatively, Tina has the ability to lead me into the fields of my imagination where lavish gifts are bestowed upon my soul. " 

    Susan Mcleod, Guelph ON
  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • I have had the opportunity of experiencing Tina's guided meditations in both large conference settings and in small groups in her home.  Over a course of time I have learnt to relax and focus in a meditative state using her tapes and CD's.

    Bonnie Black, Dundalk Ontario