The Benefits of Meditation

Posted By : Tina Heathers on February 7, 2013

Meditating womanIn a world filled with turmoil and stretched lives, wouldn’t a deep sense of peace and tranquility, that bubbles into a steady stream of inner joy be a refreshing change?


Meditation is a wonderful tool to create this state of inner joy and tranquility.  It does not have to be a discipline of strange leg positions and forced quiet.  It can be a gift of pure joy and contentment.  It is like receding from the world into a space of quiet solitude; a place where nothing nags at you for answers and you feel reassured that everything will work out for the best.


If you have tried meditation and found it difficult, then you did not do it right, or you misunderstood what was expected of you.  Meditation should be effortless and relaxing. It is a creative process and there are as many different ways to meditate, as there are people who would like to try.  Once you understand some of the basics of meditation then you can be creative and design your own routine, one that feels wonderful to you.


The point of meditation is to still the busy mind, which releases stress immediately. Once you stop thinking so much you will find that within you is a place of calm and peace, it will feel like coming home to yourself.  Anyone can do it, if you find the right approach.


Meditation is being used in business to calm the body, release stress and allow revitalized energy to flow through the system.  It’s not just a strange religious practice anymore.  The therapeutic and physical benefits of meditation have been studied and proven.

Studies of meditation in the workplace show:


  • Increased productivity
  • Increased job performance
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Decrease in desire to change jobs


“Meditators report that they are healthier, happier, more functional and more enthusiastic about life when they include meditation practice in their daily schedule.”

Roy Eugene Davis

“Many, today, are turning to meditation to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety, to grow in awareness, to improve their health or emotional stability.  They achieve the results they are looking for.  “

J.P. Vaswani

Meditation can be simple and easy to do.   It will balance out the busy and stressful lives we are living.


Meditation is effective for personal reflection, life guidance and healing.   It is an amazing tool with business applications that will create clarity of mind and enhanced creativity.  With benefits in so many areas of our lives, is there any reason you don’t just jump in and start today?



  • Tina's meditation classes have helped me learn to reliably reduce stress. Her low-anxiety approach can give surprising insights that identify and help me remove those self-imposed roadblocks to better living."

    Doug Hocking, Exeter Ontario
  • Taking a course from Tina Heathers is an experience and education in itself. Her style is unique and entertaining, but more then that, she delivers!Alison Lobb, Clinton, Ontario
  • “This wonderful workshop allowed me to step aside from my busy life and reflect on what was really important.  An experience to remember!”

    Barb Hacking
  • “Tina has a vast knowledge of Universal Wisdom and is able to share it in ways that are non-threatening yet engaging, gentle yet firm, 'out-there' yet grounded.  One of the greatest paths to Universal Wisdom is the path of meditation.  Charting this path creatively, Tina has the ability to lead me into the fields of my imagination where lavish gifts are bestowed upon my soul. " 

    Susan Mcleod, Guelph ON
  • Tina Heathers offers much wisdom, great truth, and experienced guidance.  It could change your life!  Gloria Wilbee